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2004:: Volume 47 Issue 1

Human Capital Base of the Indian Labour Market: Identifying Worry Spots
Chadha G K

On the Economics of “Open Economy” De-industrialisation
Patnaik Prabhat

India’s Socially Regulated Economy
Barbara Harriss-White

Nanny State for Capital and Social Darwinism for the Workers
Bagchi Amiya Kumar

Labour Market Responses to Trade and Trade Structure: A Panel Study of the Malaysian Manufacturing
Devadason Evelyn

Multinationals and Labour Unions: Are their Interests Antithetical?,
Gangopadhyay Partha

Labour-Entrepreneur Relationship and Technological Investment: A Comparative Study of Howrah and Coimbatore Foundry Firms
Meenakshi Rajeev

Labour Mobility and Paradox of Rural Unemployment – Farm Labour Shortage: A Micro Level Study
Mahesh R

Women Workers in Bidi Rolling
Sarkar Siddhartha

Measurement of Non-Employment
Chaubey P K

Data on Lockouts in West Bengal : A Rejoinder
Gupta R K

2004:: Volume 47 Issue 2

Occupational Diseases and Provisioning of Health Care: A Case of Market Failures in Coal Mining
Sarkar Debasish, Husain Zakir, Bhattacharya N, Kanjilal Barun

Part-time Labour Force Participation of Pakistani Children: A Probit Analysis
Khan Rana Ejaz Ali, Ali Karamat

Can Irrigation Increase Agricultural Wages? : An Analysis Across Indian Districts
Narayanamoorthy A, Bhattarai Madhusudan

Education and Skill Development of Workforce in Noida Export Processing Zone
Neetha N

Changing Structure of Scientific and Technical Workforce in India’s Industrial Sector
Chadha Vikram

Informal Manufacturing Sector in India: Pre- and Post-Reform Growth Dynamics
Mukherjee Dipa

Declining Poverty in India: A Decomposition Analysis
Bhanumurthy N R, Mitra Arup

Beyond Qualification of Poverty: Emerging Issues in Poverty Reduction
Radhakrishna R, Rao V M, Ray Shovan

Immigation into Canada: Some Issues
Singh Surjit

National Human Development Report 2001: A Critique
Datt Ruddar

Child Labour and Poverty: A Re-Examination of Cross-Regional Analysis
Padhi Satya Prasad

Household Handicrafts Labour in Kerala
Stephanson K A

Globalisation and Social Exclusion: A Report from World Social Forum
Antony Piush

2004:: Volume 47 Issue 3

Kannan K P, Rutten Mario

Demographic Regimes and the Social Reproduction of Labour
Bagchi Amiya Kumar

The Plurality of Labour, Capital and State in Asia: Some Reflections
Kannan K P, Rutten Mario

The Transformation of Migrant Indian and Javanese Labour: Natural Rubber Workers in Southeast Asia, 1900-2000
Gordon Alec

Of Peripheral Labour: Trajectories of the Dalit Labour in Southern Indian Plantations, 1820s-2001>
Raman K Ravi

The Captive Labour Force in Sindh
Pakistan, Lieten G K

When will the Farmers Unite?: The Long Road to Democracy in Rural Thailand
Lindberg Staffan

Globalisation, Employment and Social Protection: Emerging Perspectives for the Indian Workers
Papola T S

Commodity Chain, Upgrading and Labour: A View from the Coir Yarn Spinning Sites of Southern India
Rammohan K T

Re-emergence of Labour Brokers in China Today: The Xiamen Example
Minghuan Li

Coping with Crisis: Strategies of Indonesian Workers and Businessmen
Rutten Mario

Economic Security for a Better World (Document)

2004:: Volume 47 Issue 4

Human Capital Stocks, Their Level of Utilisation and Economic Development in India
Mathur Ashok, Mamgain Rajendra P

Wage Disparity and Human Capital Accumulation
Errol D’Souza

Technical Change and Workforce in India: Skill Biased Growth?.
Unni Jeemol, Uma Rani

Skill Development System in India
Shashi Bala

Dimensions and Perceptional Biases of Human Capital Base in the Indian Labour Markets
Rustagi Preet

Human Development and Tertiary Employment in Developing Countries
Joshi Seema

Human Capital Base of Labour Force among Social Groups in India: Emerging Issues and Challenges
Biradar R R

Workforce Participation of Women in Rural India: The Role of Education
Dubey Amaresh, Veronica Pala, Eugene D Thomas

Human Capital in Agriculture: Developmental Role, Current Stock, and Emerging Issues
Singh S P, Sharma S S P

Rural Labour Force Quality and Employability: A Case Study of Two Villages in Andhra Pradesh
Prasada Rao Mecharla

Effect of Education of Women on Their Earnings: Empirical Evidence from Orissa
Debi Sailabala

Human Capital and Labour Market in Rajasthan
Singh Surjit, Sagar Divyashri

Socio-economic Factors in Human Capital Formation through Education: The Case of Women in Kinnaur District of Himachal Pradesh
Negi Aparna

Human Capital Approach and Indian Labour Market: The Case of Information Technology Industry
Datar M K

Role of Education in Wage Determination in the Japanese Construction Sector
Koshal Manjulika, Koshal Rajindar, Gupta Ashok, Akkihal Chandra, Yuko Yamada,
Sasuke Miyazima etc

Labour Process and Productivity in Micro and Small Enterprises: The Indian Experience.
Awasthi Dinesh

Small and Micro Enterprises in a Globalising Economy: Some Perspectives on Policy Framework for their Integration
Papola T S

Productivity Growth in Small Enterprises: Role of Inputs, Technological Progress and ‘Learning by Doing’.
Majumder Rajarshi

Productivity in the Small Manufacturing Enterprises: Determinants and Policy Issues.
Mukherjee Dipa

Micro and Small Enterprises in India: Status, Growth and Policy
Parashar Vandana

Labour Productivity in the Indian Unorganised Service Sector: Measurement Issues
Patterns and Determinants, Sharma R K, Abraham Vinoj

Unorganised Trading Sector in India: Employment and Productivity
Nomita P Kumar

Small Scale Industries in Karnataka: Impact of Growth, Sickness and Closure on Production and Employment.
Narayana M R

Employment Structure, Conditions and Productivity in Micro and Small Enterprises: Findings of a Field Survey in Uttar Pradesh
Singh A K, Joshi Ashutosh, Mehta G S

Employment Density and Linkages of Rural Non-farm Enterprises in Andhra Pradesh and Haryana