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2005:: Volume 48 Issue 1

Challenges of Decent Work in the Globalising World
Reddy D Narasimha

Agrarian Distress: Strategies to Protect Vulnerable Sections
Vyas V S

Child Labour and Work: Numbers, from the General to the Specific
Lieten G K

The Pattern of Globalisation and some Implications for the Pursuit of Social Goals
Gerry Rodgers

Achieving Full Employment: Some Lessons from the Australian Experience
Chowdhury Anis

Controlling Informalisation: Punitive Versus Strategic Measures
Mitra Siddhartha

Women Workers, Entrepreneurs and Behavioural Rationality: A Case of Indian Garment Manufacturing
Chakravarty Deepita

Flexible Work Organisation, Human Resource Practices and Worker Perception in India: A Case Study of Bangalore City
Ota Hitoshi

Household Resources and Factor Market Adjustment: A Village Economy Investigation
Vijay R, Sreenivasulu Y

Some Notes on India’s Software Manpower Strategy
Radhakrishnan K G

46th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics: A Report

A Report on the International Seminar on Wages and Incomes in India: Emerging Patterns and Perspectives
Nadhanael G V, Negi Aparna

World Employment Report 2004-05

Beedi Industry in Karnataka

2005:: Volume 48 Issue 2

High Wage-Low Productivity Organised Manufacturing and the Employment Challenge in India
Ghose Ajit K

Employment, Wage and Output Relationships in India: A Comparison of Pre and Post Reform Behaviour
Bhattacharya B B, Sakthivel S

Wage-productivity Relationship in Organised Manufacturing in India: A State-wise Analysis
Goldar Bishwanath, Banga Rashmi

Accounting for Wage Inequality in India
Dutta Puja Vasudeva

Trend of Factor Incomes Distribution in Indian Factories
Banerjee Debdas

Wages and Incomes in Formal and Informal Sectors in India
Unni Jeemol

Understanding Gender Inequalities in Wages and Incomes in India
Rustagi Preet

Regional Differences in Wage Premia and Returns to Education by Gender in India
Duraisamy P, Duraisamy Malathy

Economic Diversification and Poverty in Rural India
Yoko Kijima, Peter Lanjouw

Wages in Rural India: Sources, Trends and Comparability

Economic Reform and Agricultural Wages in India
Srivastava Ravi, Singh Richa

Economic Conditions of Agricultural Labour Households in 1990s: A State Level Analysis of Wage Earnings and Indebtedness
Sharma H R

2005:: Volume 48 Issue 3

Monopsony and Labour Market Flows and Policies
Alok Kumar

Urban Social Insurance and Worker Satisfaction in China: Implications for India
Bhattacharya Mita, Nielsen Ingrid, Nyland Chris, Smyth Russell, Zhang Mingqiong

Economically Active and Home-care Groups of Children in Pakistan: How Much They Differ?
Khan Rana Ejaz Ali, Ali Karamat

Living Standard in Delhi Slums: Consumption Expenditure, Housing and Ability to Save
Mitra Arup

Bonded Labour, Social Capital and Microfinance: Lessons from Two Case Studies
Guerin Isabelle, Venkatasubramanian G, Churchill Craig

Making Sense of Vocational Education Policies: A Comparative Assessment
Swaminathan Padmini

Rural Employment, Market Reforms and Gender Inequality in West Bengal
Basak Uma, Bhattacharyya Sudipta

Female Work Participation Rates in Rural West Bengal: A Village Level Analysis
Sinha Sucharita

Labour Market Policy in the New Caribbean Economy
Downes Andrew S

Multinationals in Indian Retail Sector, Wal-Mart and Industrial Relations Issues
Shyam Sundar K R

Human Capital in the Modernisation of Japan and India
Balatchandirane G

Real Earnings of Migrant Women in Urban Informal Sector: A Study in Tamil Nadu
Sundari S

Free Trade Zones and Employment in Developing Economies
Nath Smita

Skill Training Efforts and Labour Market in India
Ray P K

2005:: Volume 48 Issue 4

The Right to Work and Recent Legislation in India
Ghosh Jayati

Enhancing Livelihood Security through the National Employment Guarantee Act: Towards Effective Operationalisation of the Act
Hirway Indira

The Potential and Challenge of India’s Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Gupta Smita

The Right to Work for the Self-employed in India
Unni Jeemol

Guaranteeing Employment : Revisiting Experience from Government Sponsored Programmes
Ghosh Dilip Kumar

Who Needs a ‘Knowledge Economy’?: Information, Knowledge and Flexible Labour
Chandrasekhar C P

Knowledge Workers and Information Technology: Re-living Early English Industrial Revolution
Banerjee Debdas

New Technology and the Emerging Labour Market: A Study of Indian IT Industry
Abraham Vinoj, Sharma R K

India and the Knowledge Economy: Overview and Global Context
Singh Surjit

Labour in the New Economy: An Indian Perspective
Thomas Jayan Jose

Structure of Employment in ICT Sector in India: Emerging Issues and Prospects
Biradar R R

New Technology and Labour Markets: Entrants, Outsourcing and Matching
Goyal Ashima

Knowledge Economy and Higher Education
Bhushan Sudhanshu

Information Technology Initiatives: Impact on Self Help Groups in India
Lal Meera

State’s Growing Intolerance towards Labour in India: A Note Based on Some Recent Development
Jha Praveen

State in Industrial Relations System in India: From Corporatist to Neo-liberal?
Shyam Sunder K R

Are Retrenchment Laws Inefficient?
D’Souza Errol

Changing Pattern of Employment under Neo-liberal Reforms: A Comparative Study of West Bengal and Gujarat
Bagchi Amiya Kumar, Das Panchanan

State and Transformation of Rural Workforce Structure in West Bengal, 1961-2001
Ghosal Ratan Kumar

State Policy, Export Orientation and Labour: An Analysis of the Links in the Leather and Leather Products Industry
Damodaran Sumangala

Statutory Benefits to Beedi Workers in Karnataka
Rajasekhar D, Madheswaran S

Colonial State, Capital, Labour and Industrialisation: Coal Mining and Coal Miners in Colonial India, 1919-39
Mukhopadhyay Asish

Some Issues in the Working of Social Security Laws in India
Saini Debi S