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2006:: Volume 49 Issue 1

The Labour Market under Capitalism
Patnaik Prabhat

Labour, Liberalization and Aggregate Demand
Dutt Amitava Krishna

Arguments, Protests, Strikes and Free Speech: The Career and Prospects of the Right to Strike in India
Dhavan Rajeev

On Wages and Employment
Mukherji Anjan

Labour in India’s Organized Manufacturing Sector
Sen Sunanda, Dasgupta Byasdeb

Union-Firm Bargaining under Alternative Pay Schemes: Does Performance Related Pay Fare Better?
Pal Rupayan

Labour Productivity Determinants in Indian Manufacturing: A Panel Data Analysis
Rath Badri Narayan

Labour Arrangements and Bargaining Outcomes under Different Market Conditions
Chakravarty Deepita

Influx of Forced Labour: Nature and Causes
Majumder Bhaskar

ILO’s Key Indicators of Labour Market in Post-Reform India
Palo Sasmita

47th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics: A Report

2006:: Volume 49 Issue 2

Labour Market Regulation and Industrial Performance in India: A Critical Review of the Empirical Evidence
Bhattacharjea Aditya

Understanding the Youth Unemployment Conundrum in Pakistan: A Macro – Micro Analysis
Akhtar Sajjad, Shahnaz Lubna

How Do Trade, Foreign Investment and Technology Affect Employment Patterns in Organized Indian Manufacturing?
Pradhan Jaya Prakash

Workers in Urban India: Changes in Gender Segregation of Occupations, 1983-2000
Swaminathan Madhura, Majumdar Sharmila

Female Labour Supply in Rural India: An Econometric Analysis
Dasgupta Purnamita, Goldar Bishwanath

Efficiency of Family versus Hired Labour in Indian Agriculture: Findings from West Bengal
Bhattacharyay Manajari, Chattopadhyay Manabendu

From Conventional to New Services: Broadened Scope of Tertiary Sector
Joshi Seema

Emerging Structure of Indian Economy : A State-wise Analysis
Datt Ruddar

Labour Policy and Employment Generation: A Comparative Note on India and China
Ray P K

Social Security for Unorganised Workers,,369

2006:: Volume 49 Issue 3

The Right to Work and Differentiation in Indian Employment
Olsen Wendy, Mehta Smita

Labour Productivity in Small Scale Industries in India: A State-wise Analysis
Sharma R K, Dash Abinash

Employment Guarantee Scheme in Maharashtra: Its Impact on Drought, Poverty and Vulnerability
Vatsa Krishna S

One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All: Employment Insecurity of Unorganised Workers in Karnataka
Suchitra J Y, Rajasekhar D

Employment and Income in Uttaranchal: Trends and Policy Issues
Mamgain Rajendra P, Mehta Balwant Singh

Employment Availability for Hired Workers: A Comparative Study of Two Villages
Mehta Niti

Determinants of Informal Sector Labour Demand: Does Methodology Matter?
Folawewo Abiodun O

Determinants of Income in Rural Non-farm Activities: Empirical Evidence from Punjab
Toor Jasdeep Singh, Sidhu H S

Time Use Pattern of Adult Female Population in an Intermediate City
Kapoor Kranti

Optimal Human Capital Policy under the Existence of Cross-country Spillovers
Khawaja M Junaid, Azid Toseef

2006:: Volume 49 Issue 4

Wages and Employment: Issues and Facts
Mitra Arup

Wage-Employment Relationship in Indian Public Sector Enterprises
Aggarwal Suresh Chand

Employment and Wages in the Liberalised egime: A Study of Indian Manufacturing Sector
Majumder Rajarshi

Revisiting the Cashew Industry in India: Combining Insights from Value Chain and ‘Social Embeddedness’ Perspectives
Jeyaranjan J, Swaminathan Padmini

Production Relations, Employment and Wages: A Study of Beedi Industry in Karnataka
Madheswaran S, Rajasekhar D, Devi K G Gayathiri

Employment and Earning Patterns in Farming and Non-farming Activities: Empirical Evidences from Punjab and Bihar
Pramod Kumar

Wage-Employment Relationship in the Agricultural Labour Market of West Bengal
Kundu Amit

Wages and Earnings in Leather Accessories Manufacture in India: An Analysis of the Industry in Mumbai
Pais Jesim

Do Minimum Wages Reduce Employment in the Small Enterprise Clusters?
Roy Satyaki

Growth, Employment, Wages and Productivity in the Punjab Manufacturing Sector
Rakesh Kumar

Some Aspects of the Well-being of India’s Agricultural Labour in the Context of Contemporary Agrarian Crisis
Jha Praveen

Agriculture, Agrarian Crisis and Employment: Some Views
Singh Surjit

Has Agrarian Crisis Made any Impact on Agricultural Wages and Employment in India?: An Exploratory Study
Narayanamoorthy A, Kalamkar S S

Agrarian Crisis and Farmers’ Suicide in India: Dimension, Nature and Response of the State in Karnataka
Assadi Muzaffar

Changing Scenario in Agriculture and Rural Employment: Challenges and Opportunities
Shah Amita

Agrarian Crisis and Wage Labour: A Regional Perspective

Green Revolution and Economic Plight of Agricultural Labour in Punjab
Singh Gurinderjit, Singh Joginder

Decline in Agricultural Employment and Adjustment through Labour Commuting: A Case Study from Punjab
Singh Balwinder

Rural Non-farm Employment in Uttar Pradesh: Determinants, Dimensions and Regional Pattern
Singh S P

Emerging Trends in the Trade Union Movement
Mamkoottam Kuriakose

Trade Unions and the New Challenges: One Step Forward and Two Steps Backward
Sundar K R Shyam

Declining Labour Power and Challenges before Trade Unions: Some Lessons from a Case Study on Private Sector Unionism
Saini Debi S

Agribusiness, Corporate Social Responsibility and Transnational Labour Relations: A Review
Gonzalez-Perez Maria-Alejandra, McDonough Terrence, Raghavendra Srinivas

Acquisitions and Strategic Union Management Accommodation: A Case Study
Sahoo Chandan Kumar, Tripathy Santosh Kumar

Organising the Invisible and the Informal: A Study of Unions in the Beedi Industry in Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh
Madhavi P

Workers’ Desire for Union Participation in the Wake of Globalisation
Katuwal Shyam