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2002:: Volume 45 Issue 1

Agricultural Growth, Employment and Poverty: A Policy Perspective
Radhakrishna R

Globalisation : The Eight Crises of Social Protection
Standing Guy

Changing Agrarian Relations and Rural Labour: Certain Emerging Issues
Reddy Narasimha

Employment and Unemployment Situation in the Nineties: How Good are the NSS Data?
Hirway Indira

Agricultural Wages in India: A Study of States and Regions
Sarmah Sasank

Indices of Labour Market Regulation: Principles and Cases
Downes Andrew S

Human Development : India in the World Context
Datt Ruddar

2002:: Volume 45 Issue 2

Growth-mediated and Support-led Social Security in the Unorganised Sector in India
Dev S Mahendra

The Welfare Fund Model of Social Security for Informal Sector Workers: The Kerala Experience
Kannan K P

Employment-Unemployment in India
Bhole L M, Dash P

Democracy, Development and New Forms of Social Movements: A Case Study of Indigenous People’s Struggles in Kerala
Sreekumar T T, Parayil Govindan

How Have Hired Workers Fared?: A Case Study of Women Workers from a Tamil Nadu Village, 1977 to 1999
Ramachandran V K, Swaminathan Madhura, Rawal Vikas

Global Labour Flexibility
Deshpande L K

Can We Solve Employment and Unemployment Problem?
Ray P K, Mittal K K

Employment Policies and the Unorganised Sector
Datt Ruddar

State, Social Security and Unorganised Sector in India: Relevance of New Employees Pension Scheme, 1995
Eashvaraiah P, Suhasini B

Lessons in Regulating the Informal Sector: The Case of the Rickshaw Pullers’ Sector in Delhi
Mitra Siddhartha

Consultative Workshop on Food Insecurity and Child Work: A Report
Ramachandran Nira

2002:: Volume 45 Issue 3

Child Labour and Poverty: The Poverty of Analysis
Lieten G K

Girl Child Labour : Regional Dimensions and Motivations
Rustagi Preet

Child Labour in Rural India: A Micro-Economic Perspective
Nielsen Helena Skyt, Dubey Amaresh

Child Labour in South Asia: Domestic and International Initiatives Including ILO and WTO
Castle R, Chaudhri D P, Nyland C

Child Labour in Technologically Backward Small Industrial Capitalist Enterprises: Towards a Micro Socio-Economics
D Mello Bernard

Globalisation, Demographic Pressures and Child Labour Standards
Chaudhri D P, Nyland Chris

Dimensionss of Children’s Work in the Cotton Knitwear Industry in Tiruppur
Vijaybaskar M

Situational Analysis of Child Labour in Karnataka
Gayathri V

Child Rights, Child Labour and Education: A Study of the Legal Regime
Mehendale Archana

Eliminating Child Labour : Do NGO Interventions Add up to a Strategy?,
Wazir Rekha

Elimination of Child Labour: Corporate Options and Public Action
Bissell Susan L, Chadha Shweta Gandhi, Shiva Kumar A K

2002:: Volume 45 Issue 4

Technical Skills, Education and Economic Development in India
Mathur Ashok, Mamgain Rajendra P

Industrial Labour Force, Higher Education, Gender and Skill Formation: Some Issues
Swaminathan Padmini

Firms, Nations and Training
D Souza Errol

Education, Skills and Training: Some Perceptions
Singh Surjit

Education : The Gandhian Approach
Singh Ram Binod

Skill Development in the Changing Global Context, Agrawal Rashmi
Naqvi Talmeez Fatma

Knowledge and Skills in a Global Economy: A Dialectic of Inclusion and Exclusion
Dutta Indira

Education, Skills and the Labour Market in a Globalised World: A Case of India
Sharma R K, M Satish Kumar, Meher Surendra

Technical Education in India: Some Emerging Issues
Singh S P

Decent Work in the Informal Sector: Training Issues
Ray P K

Primitive Flexible to Modern Flexible Manufacturing and the Process of Skilling and Deskilling of Labour
Seth Vijay K

Education and Skill Development of Workers Engaged in Small and Tiny Enterprises
Sahu Partha Pratim

Skill Formation and Institutions: Case Studies in Good Practices
Awasthi Dinesh

Upgrading the Educational Attainment and Skill Level of Karnataka Workforce: Challenges and Options
Bashir Sajitha

Skill Mapping and Skill Development for Employability: The Case of Cuttack
Satpathy Anoop K, Mishra Jimuta P, Prakash Nishith

Skill Development and Employment Generation: A Case Study of Jabalpur District
Madhya Pradesh, Sasikumar S K

Employability in Degree Level Vocational Stream
Anil K, Berry V K, Joseph Jerry

Employability Pattern of ITI Graduates: A Profile of the Vocational Education System
Prakash B S, Gupta K P

Skill Development among Rural Poor: An Impact Analysis of TRYSEM
Ghosh D K

Gender Inequality in Education and Information Dissemination: A Study of Dairy Sector of Punjab
Kaur Rupinder, Sudarshan Ratna M

Enhancing Employability Through Vocational Training: The Institutional Way
Chhikara M S, Singh Jasbir

Organising Labour : The Question of Form and Content
Chandra Navin

Coping with Economic Liberalisation: Alternative Trade Union Strategies
Bhowmik Sharit K

Wage-Productivity-Profitability in Indian Industry and Labour Market Institutions: Whither Trade Unions?
Banerjee Debdas

Emerging Patterns of Organising the Women Workers: Interventions of Development Agencies
Antony Piush

Working for Autonomy? Differentiating Women’s Work in India
Agarwala Rina

A Social Platform for Women Workers: The Case of Working Women’s Forum (India)
Kalpagam U, Rajgopalan Srividya

Micro-Credit Groups: How Empowering? The Economic and Social Context
Prakash Aseem

Mutah Labour: An Organising Practice of Agricultural Labourers in South India
Rajasekhar D

Global Challenges and Local Action: Organisational Dimensions of Anti-Mining Movement in Kashipur Orissa,
Mishra Deepak Kumar

Informalisation of Production and Changing Labour Relations in Handloom Silk Weaving of Kancheepuram
Ramesh Babu P

Rural Non-Farm Employment in India: What Does Recent Experience Teach Us?
Chadha G K

Rural Non-farm Employment and the Unorganised Sector in India
, Bhalla Sheila

Employment Diversification in Rural India: A State Level Analysis
Bhaumik S K

Rural Non-farm Employment in India: Spatial, Variations and Temporal Change
Srivastav Nirankar, Dubey Amaresh

Determinants of Rural Non-farm Employment: An Analysis of 256 Districts, Narayanamoorthy A
Rodrigues Queenie, Phadnis Ashwini

Rural Non-farm Employment in India and Globalisation: A Critical Analysis
Chatterjee Biswajit, Kundu Amit

Employment Generation Through Credit Linked Non-farm Activities
Kulkarni B N, Samantara Samir R

Mineral-based Industries in Backward Regions: Scope for Sustainable Employment
Shah Amita, Hirway Indira

Determinants of Inter-district Variations in Rural Non-farm Employment in Andhra Pradesh
Mecharla Prasada Rao

Rural Non-farm Activities in Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh : A Review of Evidence from Two Villages
Rao B Venkateshwar, Reddy A Sudarshan

Development of Rural Non-farm Activities Through Institutional Credit
Badatya K C

Non-farm Employment in Rural Punjab, Ghuman Ranjit Singh
Sukhpal, Singh Balwinder

Nature and Determinants of Rural Non-farm Activities in Punjab
Sidhu H S, Toor Jasdeep Singh

Rural Non-farm Sector in Punjab: Problems, Potential and Constraints
Mahajan R K

Rural Non-farm Employment: A Case Study of Flour Mills in Punjab
Rangi P S, Sidhu M S, Kaur Gurpreet, Sachdeva Jatinder

Rural Livelihood Diversification and Operationalising Income-generating Activities Through SHGs in the Watershed Context
Sudan Falendra K

Rural Non-farm Employment in Doda District
Krishna Sridhar

Rural Non-farm Employment in India: A Study of Handicraft Artisans of Madhubani District
Dalip Kumar

Scope of Ethanol Blending with Gasoline and Its Impact on Direct and Indirect Employment Generation in Rural and Urban India
Bedi Jatinder S

Education, Skill Development and Changing Labour Market
Ramachandran H