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Best papers, Awards and fellowship

The following were awarded the Surjit Singh Fellowship and best paper award at the 61st Annual ISLE Conference 2018, held at IGIDR, Mumbai ‘

Surjit Singh Fellowship
Awardee: Leena Bhattacharya, Research Scholar, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
(IGIDR), Mumbai
Paper Title: Short-Term Migration and Children’s Schooling Attendance: Evidence From Rural India

Sanjay Thakur Young Labour Economist Award
Awardee: Manasi Bera, Research Scholar, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Paper Title: Impact of Internal Migration on Consumption Outcome: Comparing the Impact of Short-
Term and Long-Term Migration in Rural India

Ruddar Dutta Memorial Award
Awardee: Itishree Patnaik,Assistant Professor Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad
Paper Title: Genders impact of Short-duration male migration: Evidence from India