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Every year, ISLE provides 2 awards and 1 fellowship to young scholars below 40 years of age.

The following were awarded the Surjit Singh Fellowship and best paper award at the 61st Annual ISLE Conference 2018, held at IGIDR, Mumbai ‘

Surjit Singh Fellowship

Prof.  Surjit Singh  was the Honorary Secretary of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) since 2009 and continued to hold the post till his sudden demise in December 2013. His association with the Society goes back to the early 1990s. Under his able leadership, Prof. Surjit Singh successfully organized the ISLE conference of 2004 at the Institute for Development Studies (IDS), Jaipur. His contribution and commitment to the ISLE is cherished widely by members of the Society through these years. His sudden demise was a huge loss to the ISLE and the community of economists and social scientists at large. His wife and daughter gave an endowment fund in his memory for supporting the promotion of research in the field of labour economics.

Since 2015, the Society has been giving one Fellowship to a young labour economist below the age of 40 years for undertaking research in the field of labour and employment studies. The research paper should be related to one of the identified themes for the ISLE conference of the year. It should be an original work and not be based on the applicant’s earlier works; including PhD thesis of the applicant. An Expert Committee would scrutinize the applications and select the candidate for awarding the Fellowship. The awardee is expected to prepare an empirical paper in about 10,000 words (including tables and appendices) and present at the ISLE Conference during that year. The revised paper/monograph would be submitted by the awardee after two months of the ISLE Conference. Apart from a certificate, the award would include an amount of Rs 40,000.

Interested scholars may please share their proposal along with a cover letter to ISLE Secretary at

Best Paper Awards

The Ruddar Datt Memorial Award and L. K. Deshpande Labour Economist Awards (each carrying an award of Rs.10,000) will be awarded to the authors of the best papers at the Conference. Only authors who are below 40 years of age will be considered for these awards. The papers on any of the Conference themes to be considered for the award should be presented by the paper writers themselves. Contributors who wish to be considered for these awards are requested to furnish proof of their age along with their paper.

Prof. Lalit K. Deshpande is one of the towering labour economists in India who has been closely associated with the ISLE for decades as a life member and was the Conference President in 1989. In his honour, Dr. K. R. Shyam Sundar has instituted the L. K. Deshpande award for the best paper in labour studies (carrying prize amount of Rs. 10,000 along with a certificate). Only authors below 40 years of age will be considered for this award. Single authored papers should be presented by the paper author themselves at the annual conference.

Interested scholars may please follow the link for their paper submission or write to us as at